Fees and payments
This page contains information about licence fees.
As an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), we are funded from license fees charged to licenced establishments and Grant-in-Aid from the DHSC and devolved administrations.
Licence fees for financial year 2025 to 2026
Below are details of changes for the 2025 to 2026 financial year:
- Licence fees are set to recover the cost of regulation and whilst every effort has been made to streamline where possible, our costs have risen due to ongoing inflation as well as an increase in employer’s National Insurance Contributions. This, plus the reduction in Grant-In-Aid, has resulted in a need to increase the total fees recovered by the HTA from regulated sectors by 13.2%.
- Within the Human Application sector, we have introduced a reduced main licence and satellite fee for those establishments within the EU and Northern Ireland who import human tissue. This reduced fee reflects the regulatory effort in licensing these establishments.
If you have any questions regarding HTA licence fees, please email finance@hta.gov.uk.
Licence fees for previous financial years
Browse the application and licence fees for previous financial years. Please note this information is available in the interest of transparency and is no longer in effect.
What are licence fees?
Find out more about our licence fees, their structure, and how we use these fees to recover the costs of our licensing work.