Last updated on 10 Jan 2025
Code A: Annex C - Consent requirements
This guidance outlines when consent is required for the storage and use of human tissue under the Human Tissue Act (HT Act).
Activities Requiring Consent
Storage and use of living donor tissue:
- Scientific or medical information gathering that may benefit others
- Public display
- Research
- Transplantation
Deceased donor material:
- Consent is required for removal, storage and use for any scheduled purpose
Activities Where Consent is Recommended (Good Practice)
Research Activities
When handling living donor tissue for research, consent is recommended where:
- The research has received ethical approval
- The tissue samples are non-identifiable
Image usage
Consent is recommended for making and displaying images of tissue samples
Activities Not Requiring Consent Under the HT Act
Living Donor Tissue Storage and Usage
No consent required for:
- Clinical audit procedures
- Education or training in human health
- Performance assessment activities
- Public health monitoring
- Quality assurance processes
Other Exempt Activities
- Coroner's post-mortem examinations
- Criminal justice purposes
- Storage and use of existing holdings
Special Considerations for diagnosis and treatment
While HT Act consent is not required, please note:
- Common law consent is mandatory for tissue removal from living persons
- Follow relevant regional guidance:
- Department of Health guidance on examination/treatment consent
- DHSSPS Northern Ireland Reference guide
- Welsh Assembly Government Guide
Additional reference materials:
- Code of Practice on Post-mortem examination
- The Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008
- Section 39 of the HT Act (Criminal justice purposes)
- General Medical Council guidance on visual/audio recordings
- Relevant paragraphs in Code A: 68-72, 73-75, 76, 108-110
Important notes
- Multiple consents can be obtained simultaneously for different activities
- Always refer to the latest guidance and legislation
- Maintain proper documentation of all consent procedures
Code A - Annex C - Consent requirements and good practice
Code A contents:
Code A: Introduction
Code A: Section one - Guiding principles
Code A: Section two - The fundamental guiding principle of consent
Code A: Section three - Consent requirements
Code A: Annex A - Legislative background
Code A: Annex A - Legislative background
Code A: Annex B - Consent
Code A: Annex C - Consent requirements